In Chennai high court, Dowry cases are becoming common after 2010. Section 498A is no more a legal term. It is indeed popular among common public. Are you in emergency issue, you must meet a Lawyer in your area. Rajendra Family Court Law Firm, the Best Divorce Lawyers in Chennai Tn India 24/7 for a Legal Support. If you have a Dowry case, just Call a expert Criminal attorney: +91-9994287060 for an all in all basic consultation to solve Family violence issues. Find the Best Litigation Lawyers firstly.
Senior Criminal Advocates for Dowry cases
Getting a legal services from a criminal Advocate for Dowry cases litigation will protect your piece and ceremony in your life. Chennai high court lawyers are good in Family Criminal cases or Section 498A Criminal charges
Top 5 Advocates for Dowry Criminal Complaints in Chennai
Never ignore, if you suspect that you will be charged of such Dowry criminal complaints. Some people may think all women police station is only for family counseling. No, it is not so.

Criminal attorneys for AWPS cases
Many fake Dowry cases are being registered against innocent people here. Justice for a needy person and especially women is the motive of AWPS. Our Criminal lawyers offer the best legal services for affected women as well as innocent men.
Best Criminal Lawyers for Section 498A
Many stupid ideology will lead to serious litigation in a happy family. In few cases, very ideal couples will approach a All women police station to place a complaint against their loving life partner. Shockingly those are all due to too much of love and affection.
Senior advocates in Madras High court
Many wives use Section 498A as a tool to threaten their spouse. In the same Fashion, Those actions are due to possessive nature. Consult Senior Criminal Advocates at Madras High Court in our law firm. They provide counselling for family cases and advise the couples and ensure their happy life.
Call Lawyers for Dowry Cases litigation near me : +91-9994287060
One must be careful while filing a Divorce case, they may get into trap of 498A. Most of all, Consult your divorce lawyer in Chennai today to solve such legal issues instantly.
What is Dowry ?
A Dowry is an exchange of parental property, endowments, or cash at the marriage of a girl (bride). Endowment diverges from the related ideas of bride cost and dower. While bride cost or bride service is a payment by the bridegroom or his family to the brides family. It is nothing but riches moved from the lady’s family to the husband to be or his family, apparently for the bride.
Arise of Dowry Cases in India
The Dowry Cases in the India is a disputable subject. A few researchers trust it was polished in times long past, however some don’t. Authentic observer reports (talked about underneath) propose Sridhana in old India was immaterial, and Women had legacy rights, which by custom were practiced at the period of her marriage.
Narrative proof proposes that toward the start of 20th century, Bridewealth, instead of Dowry was the regular custom, which frequently brought about poor young men staying unmarried.
Punishment for Dowry Harassment
The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 Article 3 indicates that the punishment for giving or taking money doesn’t have any significant bearing to presents which are given at the time of a wedding with the Bride or Bridegroom, when no interest for them have been made.
Indian Laws against Dowry
Albeit Indian Laws against endowments have been as a result for quite a long time, they have been to a great extent reprimanded as being incapable. The act of Dowry death and murders keeps on occurring unchecked in various states of India and this has additionally added to the worries of authorization.
Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code
The Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code required the Bridegroom and his family to be consequently remanded if a spouse gripes of Dowry Harassment. The Law was generally manhandled and in 2014, the Supreme Court decided that remands must be made with a Magistrate’s endorsement.
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